4 Oatmeal Myths and its Benefits in a Balanced Diet
Oatmeal is a nourishment that, in addition to being delicious, has multiple health benefits due to its fiber content. However, this is no all; it also provides a series of vitamins and minerals, such as phosphorus and thiamine, which are necessary for the body to function properly.
Oatmeal Benefits:
When you include oatmeal in your daily diet, you get essential nutrients that have benefits in the digestive system, bones and other systems.
- Soluble fiber: helps improve gastrointestinal health, also increases satisfaction levels after meals. Likewise, it has an important benefit in the level of cholesterol, helping to reduce it so that it does not accumulate in the body.
- Phosphorus: is an essential mineral for bone health and energy production.
- Thiamin: is a vitamin that favors the metabolism of food because it acts by converting what is consumed into energy for the body.
- Antioxidants: oatmeal helps reduce the negative effects generated by metabolic waste and protects the body from the passage of time.
- Immune system: prebiotics, specifically fructooligosaccharide (FOS), intervene in immune function by stimulating lymphoid tissue, increasing the response to pathogens.
Oatmeal myths:
Despite its excellent nutritional characteristics, there are several myths surrounding its consumption, for this reason we want to tell you everything you need to know about this nourishment:
- Cooked oatmeal is low in nutrition. This argument is partly related to the loss of nutrients when they are subjected to heat, specifically thiamin, however its main nutrient, which is fiber, is not affected. In fact, it may be related to the increase in its solubility.
- Oatmeal at night is not recommended. Oatmeal does not have a specific time to be consumed, and it is not a real foundation that there are certain hours to consume any kind of food. However, it is important to clarify that when people suffer from diseases such as reflux, the time that passes between the last meal and bedtime should be taken into account to help with digestion.
- Oatmeal is fattening. This is FALSE! Oatmeal is the main source of carbohydrates and this macronutrient is demonized by the influence of restrictive diets. On the contrary, carbohydrates provide the body with energy to carry out its functions. In the same way, it intervenes in mood and rest cycles.
- Fasting oatmeal water helps with slimming. This is also false because neither oatmeal nor any other food has the ability to make you lose weight because they are not magical. However, oatmeal soaked in water is a good option to stay hydrated and to increase the amount of fiber consumed during the day to improve intestinal transit.